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Symphony of Flavors: Pears Baked with Vanilla Syrup

20 minutes to prepare I 15 minutes cook time I 10 serving

Can you resist a seasonal light fruit dessert topped with vanilla ice cream? We know we can’t. Especially when pears are involved. Yes, pears are the perfect fruits for baking, and pears and vanilla are a match made in heaven. So without further delay, go ahead and pop these pears in the oven. Baking them with vanilla syrup will make them so flavourful and mouth watering that no one will be able to resist. Enjoy!

Baked Pears


5 pears 
1 cup ( 135 g) hazelnuts
Vanilla ice cream to serve

Vanilla Syrup

1 cup of sugar
1 cup of water
1 Vanilla Vida vanilla bean


Vanilla Syrup

  1. Combine water and sugar in a sauce pan
    and stir.
  2. Cook over medium high heat stirring until
    it boils. 
  3. Turn heat down and simmer for 2 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla bean. 


  1. Preheat oven to 190C degrees.
  2. Peel pears and cut in half & remove the seeds.
  3. Pour vanilla syrup over.
  4. Chop hazelnuts and sprinkle over.
  5. Bake for 15 minutes.
  6. Serve with ice cream.